I Reported Html Injection Bug To Nokia They Accept My Report And Decided To Provide Me Hall Of Fame. About Html Injection Content From Owasp:-Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) injection, also sometime…
Acknowledged By Google (Hall Of Fame)
I Reported Frame Limit Protection Bypass Bug To Google They Accept My Report And Decided To Provide Me Hall Of Fame. What Is Frame Limit Protection:-there is a protection regarding brute force and bo…
Microsoft's Skype Cross Site Scripting Bug
Hello readers i am ashish pathak today i am going to share my one of the best finding which i got in skype. I Got Cross Site Scripting Bug In Skype :D What Is Cross Site Scripting :- Google Says Cro…
Again Acknowledged By ESET (T-shirt)
I Reported Cross Site Scripting Bug To Eset They Accept My Report And Decided To Provide Me Certificate And T-shirt. Google Says Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerabilit…
Acknowledged By Mail Chimp (Hall Of Fame)
I Reported Cross Site Scripting Bug To Mail Chimp They Accept My Report And Provide Me Hall Of Fame And Stickers Google Says Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability ty…
Acknowledged By At & T (Hall Of Fame)
I Reported Privilege Escalation Bug To Att They Accept My Report And Decided To Provide Me Hall Of Fame. Link:- https://bugbounty.att.com/hof.php Google Says Privilege escalation is the act of exploi…
Acknowledged By Sky Tv (Hall Of Fame)
I Reported Sql Injection Bug To Sky Tv They Accept My Report And Provide Me Hall Of Fame. Google Says SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data-driven applications, in which m…